Headaches & Migraines

Nurse Teaches How to Identify & Relieve Different Types of Headaches

Am I the only one who learns something new daily on social media? Specifically TikTok. Well, one nurse taught me how to identify and...

Tips to Tame College Students’ Headaches

Many people have headaches, often triggered by age, gender, health and lifestyle. College students are no exception. In fact, these young and seemingly healthy...

The Pain of Depression

Pain and depression are closely related. Depression can cause pain—and pain can cause depression. Sometimes pain and depression create a vicious cycle in which...

Are Virtual Meetings Making Your Migraines Worse?

Prior to the start of the coronavirus pandemic, I might've participated in two virtual meetings in my life. The last 10 weeks, however, I've...

Do Smartphones Make Migraines Worse?

If you suffer regular migraines and you spend a lot of time on your smartphone, you might want to put your phone down sometimes,...

Migraine Proof Your Home

Just a few simple changes can migraine proof your home--and make it a refuge if one does strike. In your bedroom: Hang thick curtains. Your bedroom...

Natural Remedies for Migraines

5 ways to combat these debilitating headaches If you suffer from migraines, you don’t need us to tell you they can cause excruciating pain, visual disturbances...

Do You Have an Iron Deficiency?

It’s the most common nutritional deficiency in this country Iron is crucial for producing hemoglobin, the protein that aids in oxygen delivery throughout our bodies....

Migraine Myths

These debilitating pain episodes can really cramp your style, but migraine myths aren't supported by science. During this Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, we...

You Can OD on Tragic News

You might live across an ocean from a tragic event, but with social media and the 24-hour news cycle, you’re really just a click...

Do You Recognize These Migraine Warning Signs?

Thirty-six million Americans suffer from these extreme headaches What do Janet Jackson, Serena Williams, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Scottie Pippen and Whoopi Goldberg have in common? They...

The Mystery of Migraines

What you should know about these throbbing, intense headaches A migraine headache can cause intense throbbing or a pulsing sensation in one area of the...