HomeHealthHealth Replay: Smoking Is Worse Than We Thought … and More

Health Replay: Smoking Is Worse Than We Thought … and More

Missed some health news last week? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered

In case you were waffling on that decision to kick the nicotine habit: The surgeon general’s new report on smoking, released 50 years after the original, says smoking is worse than we thought. The list of diseases caused by lighting up has expanded from lung cancer and heart disease to include birth defects, colon cancer, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, liver cancer, macular degeneration and rheumatoid arthritis.
Are you someone who swears by your morning cup of coffee to get your brain working right? Well, it turns out you may be right. A new study found that healthy young people who got a dose of caffeine right after looking at pictures were better at remembering details about the pictures the next day. We’re sure coffee and tea lovers everywhere are rejoicing at this news.
Alcohol, on the other hand, is not so good for your memory. Recent research shows midlife men who are heavy drinkers suffer serious declines in memory and thinking skills. These declines weren’t only evident the day after a bender, but also a decade later. And though similar research for women drinkers didn’t produce as clear results, why chance it?
From news of the slightly weird: The Food and Drug Administration warns that home wart removal products may catch fire. The products, which freeze off warts with a mixture of propane and liquid dimethyl ether, carry labels that warn consumers to keep them from fire, cigarettes and other heat sources. Despite the labels, however, 14 users have reported fires and 10 people have suffered injuries, including burns, blisters and singed hair. Got warts? You might want to see your physician for removal.
African-American soldiers are 50 percent more likely to have high blood pressure than Latinos, whites and other ethnicities in the military. Researchers from the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center were shocked by the research since all service men and women have equal access to health care on base.


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