What One Warrior Wants You to Know About Multiple Myeloma

It was persistent pain below her left shoulder blade that prompted Evelyn to visit the doctor. Through the different misdiagnoses and treatments, it continued....

Black Representation in The Fight against Multiple Myeloma.

In the U.S., African Americans are about 14% of the country’s population, but they constitute about 20% of all myeloma patients. And that incidence is actually growing. This is an enormous burden, considering 1 in every 5 patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma in the U.S. is African American.

According to Myeloma.org, it is predicted that by 2034, 1 of 4 myeloma patients will be of African descent, and 24% of the newly diagnosed myeloma population will be African American.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What disparities do African Americans with Myeloma face?

The Black community often sees disparities in receiving fewer transplants, needing more blood product transfusions, receiving fewer palliative care consultations, less inpatient chemotherapy, and more use of intensive care.

Newly Diagnosed With Multiple Myeloma? Learn If a Clinical Trial Is Right For You

If you have recently learned that you have multiple myeloma and have had a stem cell transplant, or are planning a stem cell transplant,...


What One Warrior Wants You to Know About Multiple Myeloma

It was persistent pain below her left shoulder blade that prompted Evelyn to visit the doctor. Through the different misdiagnoses and treatments, it continued....

Multiple Myeloma and Its Impact on the Black Community

Multiple myeloma, although relatively rare, is the most prevalent blood cancer among black Americans. Originating in the bone marrow, this disease disrupts the production...