Silent Threat: Can You Have Sleep Apnea Without Knowing It?

More than 22 million people across the US suffer from sleep apnea an illness which affects the upper airways in the course of sleep. While symptoms are often related to snoring, headaches, and drowsiness it is possible to overlook symptoms and the need for treatment.

It is not obvious the extent to which sleep apnea is quite common!

Sleep research and treatment is the latest field of study within the medical field. In fact researchers from the National Sleep Foundation reported 85 percent of patients suffering from sleep apnea didn’t recognize the connection to their symptoms or the diagnosis before seeking help. The estimate is that between 10 and 30 percent of the population in the US suffer from obstructive sleep apnea and misdiagnosed patients might cause these numbers to be more. Knowing the various types of sleep apnea, their signs, causes, and treatment options, can aid in identifying how prevalent the condition is, and help ensure that patients who require treatment receive the assistance they require.

Sleep apnea makes day-to-day life exhausting

If you do not get an adequate night’s rest and wake up the next day may seem like a struggle. For people suffering from sleep apnea, this pattern can be a daily event and can be particularly detrimental to the quality of the restorative sleep required so that your body can function optimally. The lack of sleep will quickly affect cognitive abilities like memory and attention which can make the most simple routine tasks more challenging and causing tension and anxiety that come with the symptoms. Many sufferers might dismiss their sleepiness during the day as due to stress, medication or lifestyle changes. but, living in constant fatigue can have adverse physical and mental impacts. If you’re feeling exhausted throughout the day and don’t have any plausible reason you should talk to a physician.

Sleep apnea or sleep disturbances can cause problems at work

Work and sleep issues are not a great combination however when it is associated with sleep apnea signs like fatigue, headaches and loss of memory the results for patients are typically more dire. The data collected from patients suggests that the possibility of unemployment and loss of jobs are significantly higher among those suffering from sleep apnea, indicating people who aren’t diagnosed were more likely to be dismissed multiple times because of symptoms. While recognition of the sleep disorder and its potential signs and symptoms continue to grow but it can be more difficult for employers to be accommodating the employee who is not aware of the health condition. Monitoring for signs of reduced productivity and alertness (specifically the ones that are more than a coffee-deprived, morning feeling) could indicate medical problems at night, since the body doesn’t get enough sufficient restorative sleep to stay in top form throughout the day.

Sleep Apnea can change your mood as well as “your performance in the bedroom”

In the absence of sleep, you are never free from the rigors of day-to-day symptoms, anxiety and confusion rapidly take over at home. Mental health and sexual dysfunction problems are often present in cases of apnea which makes it difficult to keep regular routines and healthy relationships. If you share a bed with your spouse you may be suffering from sleepless nights, awakening to loud snoring or fretting about the loud snoring of your partner during the early the morning. Most diagnoses arise from a snoring issue that is often experienced by the partner who is sleep-deprived.

Your fitness levels could decrease due to symptoms of apnea.

Recent research suggests an association between sleep apnea, exercise and sleep. Studies have shown how much oxygen that your body is able to use when exercising was 14% less for sleep apnea patients as compared to people without the condition. Many patients experience more strenuous workouts as an obstacle and recover from activities takes longer, affecting the general motivation for a regular exercise routine. Sleep apnea is typically linked to lower metabolic rate and energy levels which means that going to the gym may quickly become more of a chore than a leisure activity. If you’ve noticed a decline in your fitness level and are also experiencing other signs of apnea, contact The Sleep Cycle Center and let us assist you!

Sleep apnea could be a cause but have missed many of the typical signs!

One of the primary reasons why apnea may go undiagnosed throughout the years is because numerous of the symptoms are present when you’re asleep. symptomssuch as irregular breathing patterns, snoring or breathing in and out are frequently described. Patients who live by themselves or have a bed shared with heavy sleepers may be more difficult to diagnose (if they’re lucky to get diagnosed have any). There are several other symptoms to look in case you think that you have sleep apnea and you are awaiting further tests via sleep studies. Other symptoms and signs that can be observed include headaches, fatigue and poor focus. Because sleep apnea has a significant impact on how well sleep is by patients, it’s typical for patients to experience that they feel like they aren’t sleeping enough or feel continuously tired despite adhering to an appropriate routine for sleeping.

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