
Black Heath Matters is the first video-centric, multi-platform health education network produced for diverse populations.

Launched in November 2012, Black Health Matters is a performance-based multimedia company that delivers African American and Afro-Latin patients serving the pharmaceutical, biotech, consumer products, and wellness sectors.

No other company has the platform, skills, and expertise required to deliver multi-channel marketing programs that are impactful and engaging. Black Health Matters drives innovation in the multicultural marketing space with consumer contact strategies and new advertising technologies that include social and mobile media.

Black Health Matters targets Adults 35-54 and will skew 60% female and 40% male.

Our platform is comprised of components, specifically designed to work together to deliver consumer engagement programs that are efficient and drive ROI: Delivering a Culturally Compelling Health Education Experience: Black Health Matters can create exclusive custom marketing programs featuring tools to meet your campaign objective.

Based on a keen understanding of African American and Afro-Latin patient insights our compelling original content touches consumers/patients in a profound way.

Targeted Original Video Condition Center: With more than 50 videos on disease states and wellness, Black Health Matters has the largest library online featuring sub-titles in Spanish.

Waiting Room Access: Through our strategic alliance with America's Minority Health Network, we offer the largest broadband provider of Direct-to-Patient Education programming in African American waiting rooms featuring sub-titles in Spanish.

Text Message Marketing: Use our text message marketing tools online and/or in our waiting rooms to drive ROI as users download coupons/incentives.

Newsletter Sponsorships: Focus on the disease states that impact this community the most (i.e., diabetes, obesity, HIV/AIDS, etc.).

Non-CME Programs: Our strategic partnership with the Association of Black Cardiologists and the National Medical Association enables us to direct programs of engagement that influence clinicians.

Screening Programs: Health fairs are in the DNA of our organization. We partner with the Association of Black Cardiologists to offer programs that drive fulfillment of scripts, adherence, and compliance. Black Health Matters offers advertisers different combinations of marketing tactics and creative treatments to be applied in different contexts, depending on the brand engagement objectives and individual consumer characteristics.


Black Health Matters offers a variety of options for video and display advertising, including rich media, content integration and custom editorial packages.


728 x 90 Leaderboard 300 x 250 Medium Rectangle 300 x 250 video ads 300 x 250 pre-roll video ads HEALTH LEARNING CENTERS

728 x 90 Leaderboard 300 x 250 Medium Rectangle 300 x 250 video ads 300 x 250 pre-roll video ads CUSTOM MEDIA SOLUTIONS

Black Health Matters offers advertisers a number of special buys and custom sponsorship packages that ensure exposure lend credibility to your message and help foster a closer consumer relationship with your brand.

CONTENT INTEGRATION: Custom editorial destinations written to condition-specific or health-related themes with the opportunity to integrate Brand content and other assets

SEASONAL FOCUS: Special content, tool and resource areas for specific seasonal conditions

HEALTH EXPERTS: Connect relevant, timely information about conditions, treatments, or healthy lifestyle information, aligning brand messaging with expert advice and input

Contact Roslyn Daniels, president at 201-337-3593 or at