The BHM Guide to Healthy Weight


Speak Up For Your Health

Understand how an overweight diagnosis can affect your day-to-day experiences and health outcomes. It is estimated that 4 out of 5 Black women will receive an overweight or obese diagnosis. Here is our opportunity to speak up for our health. Black Health Matters has curated the guide below specifically for our community to give people who are actively working toward reclaiming their power regarding weight the tools and information to help them succeed. This guide covers a range of topics spanning from the hidden hormonal, genetic, and even stress-related challenges that often come with poorer health outcomes after an overweight diagnosis. We thank you for your readership and look forward to continuing to serve the Black community.

How Hormones May Impact Your Weight

As Black women, controlling our weight may not always be as simple as watching what we eat and exercising more. And it can be...

How Do Health Numbers Connect to Weight and Overall Health?

We all say we want to be healthy, but what do we mean when we say that? The World Health Organization defines it as...

How to Talk to Your Doctor About Weight (5 Tips & Sample Scripts)

Weight is listed on every medical intake form. Before you even enter a room with a doctor, they will know your weight. That number...

Stress & Your Weight: Here’s What You Need to Know

Stress heavily impacts health outcomes. Facing personal challenges, dealing with work stressors, or even encountering everyday microaggressions can impact plans to lose or gain...

The BHM Guide to Rx Weight Loss Medicines

The weight loss landscape has dramatically shifted thanks to prescription weight loss options. Many in our community are curious because they have changed how...

Black Men & Obesity: It’s Time Our Brothers Take Their Weight Seriously

When 32-year-old Brandon Browner passed out in the middle of the street one evening after work, he woke up in the intensive care unit....

Yo-Yo Dieting Doesn’t Work: So Why Do We Keep Doing It?

Yo-Yo dieting, or weight cycling, is a common practice for those seeking to reduce their weight. It has been proven to be unsustainable, ineffective,...

Should You Focus On Exercise When You Want to Lose Weight?

Exercise may not be the best way to lose weight. A quick Google search on exercise reveals many impressive health benefits and weight loss...

It's Time to Follow Up

Taking the first step by speaking up about the challenges of an overweight diagnosis is crucial, but the journey doesn’t end there. Continuous engagement with healthcare providers is key to turning the information and tools from our guide into lasting health improvements.

It is crucial that each of us follows up with a doctor who understands our individual needs and respects our healthcare journey. Regular check-ups and consultations can help monitor your progress and adjust any treatments or strategies accordingly. Remember, ongoing dialogue with your healthcare provider ensures that you’re not just treated as a statistic, but as a unique individual with specific health aspirations.

We believe in your power to reclaim control over your health, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Let’s keep the conversation going—your health and well-being deserve it!


Courtney Snowden’s Winning Weight Loss Formula

Courtney Snowden's parents were avid fitness enthusiasts when she was growing up in Washington, DC. Her dad was a professional athlete, and her mother...

Move It and Improve It! Why Weight Bearing Exercises Are Essential to Your Weight Loss Plan

The MVP (Most Valuable Partner) in your quest to lose weight and keep it off isn't a magic pill but good weight-bearing exercises. Yes,...

Most Overweight and Obese Cities in the U.S. 2024

Obesity is a global pandemic and a significant public health concern in the United States. The World Health Organization estimated that one in eight...

Stop Believing These 10 Exercise Myths

It's time to set the record straight about ten common exercise myths and rethink any you may still live by. Many of us have...